Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bon Appetit!

Although I may not be an accomplished French cook, (I think I've only cooked a few French dishes ever before!) I do love to eat French food.  Last night, my family took me and Greg out to Les Folies Brasserie. Everything was delicious!

Escargot in Annapolis!
Sarah in Annapolis

My sister ordered escargot, after trying it for the first time on her visit to Paris this past Spring. So, always up for trying something new, of course I had to try it!

My first taste of escargot.

Yum! Not bad at all. Although my dad had a point that the first person to lift up a log, dig out one of these bad boys, and pop it in their mouth had to have been in a bad way. Of course, I had to see who the heck would ever be so desperate. In its infinite wisdom, Wikipedia says, "snails have been eaten since prehistoric times,"  however they have obviously been perfected so as to barely resemble creepy slimy mollusks and now taste like butter and garlic in cute nature-made serving dishes!

Escargot in Paris

Sarah in Paris

I had Coq au Vin for dinner, which first of all was so good I wanted to drink the sauce. Secondly, why haven't I thought of serving a nice big crunchy slice of french bread with all of my saucy meals? I mean Spaghetti and French Onion Soup, sure, but what about Creamy Chicken with Mushrooms!? I've been doing my family a disservice. Resolution: serve crunchy, crusty bread with deliciously-sauced meals. All the better to soak up the scrumptiousness and not have to lick the plate.

Just to live vicariously through my sister,  I am going to post some of her Paris pictures that I have pirated off of Facebook. I hope I don't go to blogger jail for this.

Are you dying yet? I am.......

So bea

One of my favorite of Sar.

Another favorite of her!

A painting she liked

And for good measure, a real honest-to-God scanned-in photo taken on a FILM camera of the one and only time I went to Paris with my Aunt Susan.

Ta da! Ok ok, I know it's not the most classy picture ever, but hey it's all I got! Thanks for reading my thoughts about food and France!


  1. i won't report you to the blogger police! what's mine is yours! i love this post btw!


I've told you my thoughts, now I'd love to hear yours!