Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to School


Today was my first day back to school and my first day at my new school. Getting ready for school, I felt like a teenager on her first day of Junior High! It was intimidating at first because I didn't know anyone, and  I really did have to walk into the cafeteria alone and find a place to sit as soon as I got there. At least I wasn't carrying a lunch tray and wearing a face full of braces! Luckily, I'm not in Junior High anymore and grown-ups are much easier to make friends with. So, no major catastrophes to speak of, just a few anxiety-ridden flashbacks and a desperate text messages to Greg  that I was going to have a panic attack right there on the linoleum floor. No biggie. I did win this pretty sweet shirt as a door prize. It was actually pretty funny. Right after my narrowly escaping a mental breakdown, the meeting started and I swear, it was like The Price is Right! The principal gave out door prizes to welcome everyone back. He was calling out ticket numbers and people were running down to the front of the cafeteria, tickets in hand, waving and jumping up and down. I half expected Bob Barker to step out with his teeny tiny microphone and start giving away blue and gold cars!

So anyway, all of this leads me to reflect on the new school year and the beauty of autumn. The crisp cool nights, the leaves changing color, the first days of school and sweet, ripe apples. That then led me to an overindulgent "apple photo shoot" on my patio with my 9.0 mega pixel Canon Power Shot on  the very posh "auto" setting.

  Is there anything better than a crisp sweet apple when it's just ripened? How about single sizes of caramel dipping sauce? Love.


  1. Hey girl! Your blog is so cute. Congratulations on your new job! - Alicia

  2. Apple photo shoot = happiness for all parties involved. Every time.


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