Monday, November 8, 2010

Apple Pie

This is my 3rd or 4th attempt at making an apple pie. This pie, was much better than the previous apple pies. I used a combination of Granny Smith and Fugi apples. The result was delightful!

I started with about 4 green apples and 2 red apples.

 I peeled one all the way around!

 Then I cut the slices into small THIN pieces. This is what Greg and I like about my apple pies. If the apple slices are too big, they can be too sweet, or too tart and ruin the experience!

This is a flour, cinamon, sugar, nutmeg combo.

It goes right in to the apple. I splash some lemon juice on the apples first so they don't turn brown while they're waiting. 

Stir it all up!

Sugar and spice coated apple.

I mixed the dough (just flour and crisco with 10 tablespoons of water added one at a time)

I roll the crust up on the rolling pin so it doesn't stretch out and then unroll it on the pie plate. 

Then I added the apples.

 Here's the lid. I tried to make this one into more of a circle.

 Then I laid it on top of the pie.

 I trimmed up the edges...
 and cut in the breathing slats.

The baked final product! Still some cosmetic imperfections, but it tasted yum, yum, yum!

I'm making Cornish Hens tonight! Wish me luck!


I've told you my thoughts, now I'd love to hear yours!